All posts by Allan Keislar

16 January, 2017: Good Extraterrestrials Are Helping Us Defeat the Cabal and Establish World Peace

In this class we discuss how good extraterrestrials are helping us defeat the Cabal and their evil extraterrestrial masters. They have been giving guidance and support to good human beings, even providing advanced technology. For example, they have supplied Russia with communications-disrupting technology that has successfully counteracted the U.S. Navy in the Persian Gulf.

For the first time since John Kennedy’s assassination in 1963, when Donald Trump is inaugurated on Friday there will be an American President who is not controlled by the so-called “Illuminati”. This evil Cabal has done everything they could to prevent Trump’s election and once he won they still tried to stop his taking office. However, these efforts have failed because brave and good persons, including many “white hats” in the U.S. military and intelligence agencies, as well as benevolent extraterrestrials, have supported and protected Trump.

As human beings we have a special, great power to bring into reality whatever we collectively meditate upon. Today we all can participate in the long-prophesied establishment of peace on earth by meditating on and praying for peace in Pakistan and around the world.

11 January, 2017: The Structure of Existence

This class describes the basic structure of existence, divided into the material and spiritual realms. The material world, where we are now living, is unimaginably vast, with many millions and billions of stars and planetary systems in each of many millions and billions of galaxies, as well as many levels or dimensions. It is subject to the influence of time, which deteriorates everything, and is by nature dark, requiring sources of light like stars, fire or light bulbs. Everything here is created and (according to most sources) eventually destroyed, to be recreated after a period non-manifestation.

The spiritual world is even larger, containing practically uncountable numbers of seemingly unlimited, shining spheres. It is self-luminous. At its center is the original, eternal abode of God described in the Urantia Book as the “Isle of Paradise”, the geographical center of infinity. This entire spiritual realm is not subject to time, so there is no birth, deterioration or death. It is the ultimate goal.

This knowledge comes from both extraterrestrial sources as well as the instructor’s personal experience in out-of-body travel, particularly in association with Robert Monroe, author of Journeys Out of the Body, and his Monroe Institute.


9 January, 2017: First Day of this Course

To understand this course, first we must be aware that the information we generally receive, from either the mass media or educational systems, is highly controlled. Thus, important truths about extraterrestrial life and the real history of humanity have been kept from us.

Modern Western education speaks of human history only for the past few thousand years. However, from extraterrestrial sources we learn that extraterrestrials have been visiting Earth for  millions of years and intelligent life was first present on our planet as much as two billion years ago.

In the early 20th century, Germany began a secret space program assisted by extraterrestrials. Even before the end of World War II, Germany had developed space craft using anti-gravity technology and had traveled to the moon, Mars and beyond. The United States acquired many of the German scientists to develop its own secret space program, and had also visited the moon and Mars in the 1950’s long before the first officially announced NASA moon landing in 1969.

By the 1980’s, the U.S. had also developed esoteric technologies including teleportation and even time travel. Many countries are now involved in such programs, including travel to and trading with the residents of other star systems. This information has slowly come out only in the last ten or twenty years from whistleblowers who were participants in the secret space programs.

Most traditions in the world look forward to a time of world peace. The instructor believes that soon humanity will become a galactic race and Pakistan will play an important role in the establishment of planetary peace.

19 December, 2016: Defeat of the Cabal

I gave this special inter-term class in response to a specific request for such a discussion in English (recently I have been speaking mainly in Urdu). In it, I cover much of the material we have been talking about in those Urdu chats – the exposure of the Cabal by an Alliance of good humans and extraterrestrials

I explain that I believe Donald Trump, despite his various weaknesses, will be a good president – mainly because he is a God-fearing man not under the control of the satanic Cabal. Every American president since John Kennedy has been unwilling or unable to speak or act openly against the Cabal. Even the one or two of them I consider to be good men, who were against the Cabal. were unable to do what they wanted to promote the truth because of weakness or fear.

I am praying that Trump will have the strength and courage (he does have the money) to expose and oppose the Cabal. At the very least, I feel confident that he will promote good relations between Russia and the US, and I expect him to work with the Alliance to further expose the Cabal and prevent its plans to start World War III.

This Alliance supported Donald Trump’s election by releasing emails to Wikileaks exposing the widespread criminal activity, including pedophilia, by his opponents. This overcame the Cabal’s sustained efforts to rig the vote in favor of Hillary Clinton.

If you have not already done it, please read the two very important articles this class is mostly based on, Endgame II and Endgame I:…/endgame-part-ii-the-antarc… and (though the sickening information about the Cabal is hard to read),…/davids-blog/1208-endgame-pt-1.

Listen to the class here:

Friday, 9 December, 2016: Last Class of this Course

This class concludes our 11-week course with a look at the possible future interactions between extraterrestrials and humanity. Benevolent extraterrestrials are helping us and will continue to support and protect us from the deceptions of the Cabal and their evil extraterrestrial masters. However, they will not save us.

We must choose ourselves our own positive future by meditating on peace and harmony, by becoming more loving and kind, by accepting the truth even if it is contrary to our previous ideas, and by serving others rather than only our own needs and desires.

Thursday, 8 December, 2016: Summary of the Course

This class is a summary of the course, starting with a brief review of the secret space programs of Germany from the 1920’s, which led to secret landings on the moon and Mars even before the end of World War II, and the United States, which led to a moon landing in the 1950’s, long before the official NASA landing in 1969.

We then recount the top secret American development of esoteric technology including teleportation, time travel, age regression and zero-point energy devices in the 1970s and 1980s and the recent exposure of these covert programs by whistleblowers.

Wednesday, 7 December, 2016: For Peace, We Chant Names of God from Different Traditions

In this class I emphasize the potency of chanting together Names of God from different traditions in working to establish world peace. This is a very critical time in human development. Peace and unity in the world is a necessary step before we can be accepted as a full partner in our galactic family with our sisters and brothers from other planets. Prayer and meditation, as well as being kind, friendly and thoughtful of others, are most effective actions in creating peace in our world.

We pray for unity of Muslims, and also particularly for unity among Muslims and Sikhs, who can easily chant together the Names of God from their traditions. The Sikh scripture, Guru Granth Sahib, uses the name “Allah” many times. And the chief Name of God in Sikh tradition, “Ik Omkar”, means simply “One God” or “One Source”.

I also announce that I have decided to end this course at the end of this week. This is what I had scheduled when starting the course in September, but also I need financial support to continue it. (I must pay $60 per month just for the phone service to enable these live classes.) Unfortunately, I have not received any tuition payments or donations. Please do give – you may click on “Pay Tuition/Donate Online” on this website.

After I receive some income, I will restart the course, perhaps next month. This will be announced here on this website as well as on my Facebook page.

Tuesday, 6 December, 2016: The Change in and Future of this Course

In this brief class I explains why our course has changed from being mostly about extraterrestrial life and secret space programs, to being more about establishing peace, especially through meditation and prayer. This is due to both the suggestion of my mentor that I present my own realizations rather than simply repeating information obtained from reading others’ writings, as well as because our extraterrestrial friends have been advising us that establishing peace and kindness is more important than knowledge.

I also discuss and ask for comments on the future of the course, originally scheduled to end this week.

5 December, 2016: Answers to Questions about Extraterrestrials, etc.

In this class, I answer several good questions. The most significant one is about the role of extraterrestrials in human affairs. I explain that there are two types of extraterrestrials, evil ones and good ones.

The evil or satanic terrestrials include, most significantly, the Orion Empire, a group mostly composed of reptilian humanoids (who stand upright on two legs and have two arms, but who look like reptiles and often a tail and sometimes even wings). They have been trying to control and manipulate humanity for thousands of years, using deception and force.

The good or angelic extraterrestrials have been helping us and guiding us, also for thousands of years. They are more powerful that the evil ones. Recently they have become much more active in human affairs, especially since the development of nuclear weapons – in order to prevent atomic war – and also to stop the increasingly dangerous activities of the evil extraterrestrials. This includes setting up a quarantine around our solar system in just the last few years, so that no one can come or go without their permission.

(Another question is about prayer and activism in establishing peace, and whether prayer alone is sufficient to establish peace. I reply that it is the first step. In any activity, the first step is to think about what one wants to do, and as one meditates on it one brings it into being.)