This class describes the basic structure of existence, divided into the material and spiritual realms. The material world, where we are now living, is unimaginably vast, with many millions and billions of stars and planetary systems in each of many millions and billions of galaxies, as well as many levels or dimensions. It is subject to the influence of time, which deteriorates everything, and is by nature dark, requiring sources of light like stars, fire or light bulbs. Everything here is created and (according to most sources) eventually destroyed, to be recreated after a period non-manifestation.
The spiritual world is even larger, containing practically uncountable numbers of seemingly unlimited, shining spheres. It is self-luminous. At its center is the original, eternal abode of God described in the Urantia Book as the “Isle of Paradise”, the geographical center of infinity. This entire spiritual realm is not subject to time, so there is no birth, deterioration or death. It is the ultimate goal.
This knowledge comes from both extraterrestrial sources as well as the instructor’s personal experience in out-of-body travel, particularly in association with Robert Monroe, author of Journeys Out of the Body, and his Monroe Institute.