This class introduces Don Elkins, Carla Rueckert and Jim McCarty, the three persons mainly responsible for bringing us the Law of One material, channeled during 1981 and 1982. Elkins was an engineering professor and researcher whose interest in UFO’s led him to form a group trying to contact extraterrestrials telepathically. After nearly 20 years of his efforts, Carla Rueckert became the ideal channel for Ra, a sixth density “social memory complex” whose home planet is Venus.
We also learn a little more about the source of this material, Ra, who had appeared physically on our planet, in Egypt, about 11,000 years ago. Ra was responsible for the construction of the great pyramid. Ra’s purpose was to teach the Law of One, including the equality of all, but the priests and ruling class of Egypt misused these instuctions to further enhance their own superior position in their society.